The Greatest Love
Now Available
The Greatest Love
The Greatest Love is a topical study to present a fresh look at foundational instructions in the Scriptures regarding God’s love. Each chapter study is designed for all those who desire to know more of Christ. The author’s inspiring voice lends beautiful hues and a plentiful color palette of descriptions, and applications of the greatest commandment. The learner will come to know how immeasurable the Father’s love is for His sons and daughters. A love greater than human words can describe.
Every segment of the lessons offers clear and simple teaching for those who desire to return to their first love and to truths too often forgotten. The study chapters are not adapted to any one religious’ persuasion. Each lesson teaches the core truths of God’s abundant love and with help from the Spirit of Christ the learner will come to know the awesome dimensions of God’s love that can’t be contained by denominational paradigms.
Every chapter lesson is followed up with questions to help apply the message and to offer food for meditating on heaven’s kind of love. Even though our human intellect can’t fully grasp the vastness of God’s lovingkindness, we press on to understand the precepts of the holy Scriptures. The lessons will challenge the learner because this love can neither be earned nor deserved, and yet the church and all of humankind benefit from it.
Like any topical study with such a goal, the lessons must begin by establishing the need for a contrite heart, and our need of forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Indeed, it is God’s lovingkindness that leads, guides and creates a clean heart. The teachings in this study book will lift the learner up from a world where hate, prejudice, injustice, cruelty, violence, power struggles, and tribalism try to rule the day.